Relevant News

Fingal County Council will be hosting our first Scarecrow competition in association with our Safer Halloween campaign to compliment a programme of Halloween and safety information activities taking place in Fingal towards the end of October. The idea is simple: come up with a concept for a scarecrow, build it, and we will display your scarecrow online for public vote. Fingal Safer Halloween Scarecrow encourages community groups and households to put their scarecrow making abilities to the test. Register your interest before the 20th of September .
Link to the competition can be found here
Ongar Community Centre Family Fun Day 2023

Ongar Community Centre Team would like to give a huge thank you to the local residents of the Ongar area who came in their hundreds to enjoy their annual Community Family Fun Day on Sunday 10th September in the Community Centre. Despite the early rain, the event was a huge success with families enjoying (to name a few) the magic show, Centre performers, kid’s train, balloon modelling, glitter tattoos, and crazy golf.
The Centre would like to extend sincere thanks to the Blanchardstown Brass Band for their wonderful music throughout the day, Cllr. Tom Kitt for representing the Office of the Mayor of Fingal, local TDs and Counsellors for attending, and the local craft fair stallholders who all added to the sense of occasion. Also would like to thank to Fingal County Council’s Community Office and all the local volunteers (too many to mention!) for all their support in making this a safe and most enjoyable day. Onwards and upwards for next year!

Corduff Sports Centre classes available

Corduff Sports Centre have places available for the following classes –
>A free Chair Yoga course running for 10 weeks that started on the 6th of September, to take place every Wednesday for 10 weeks from 1.00 – 2.00pm. If interested in this class contact the centre on 01 823 5000, with all welcome to attend.
>Free Senior Handball every Monday
A new exciting programme is being started in the IOHA, in partnership with Corduff Sports Centre:
Sport Ireland #WomenInSportIRE
Walking Handball programme for older adults!
Sessions will start on the 11th of September
Mondays, from 11.00am to 12.00pm
Location: Corduff Sports Hall
Are looking forward to seeing this project starting in Corduff
European Handball Federation
International Handball Federation
For more information or to register your interest contact the centre on 01 823 5000.
#handball #handballireland #irelandhandball #walkinghandball #olderadults #olderadult
Parslickstown House Chair Yoga

Parslickstown House are running Chair Yoga classes ,aimed towards people 65 and older, it’s a safe low impact yoga to promote healthy aging!
For more information contact the centre on 01-8151779 or email
Baldoyle Community Hall Beginner Computer and Sustainable Gardening Classes

Baldoyle Community Hall are running:
>Beginners Computer classes for 10 weeks starting Wednesday the 20th of September from 10.00am – 12.00pm. The cost to attend will be €50 per attendee. All topics that will be part of the classes can be found in the poster above.
> Sustainable Garden Classes for 10 weeks starting Friday the 22nd of September from 12.00 – 2.00pm. The cost to attend will be €40 per attendee. All class topics can be found in the above poster.
For more information or to register yourself for any of the two classes above, contact 01 839 5338 or email . All welcome to attend.
Mountview Fortlawn Campus Yoga Classes

Mountview Fortlawn Campus, with support from Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office, are running:
>Mindful Yoga classes starting Saturday the 14th of October in Mountview Community Centre followed by organised walk in the local park. Will be a €2.50 donation to attend with all welcome. For more information or to register your interest contact the centre on 01 821 8665 or email .
>Yoga for Menopause course with Claire Daly – an insight into the stages and symptoms of menopause and the benefits of exercise and lifestyle habits. This course will start Saturday the 7th of October from 10.00am – 1.00pm. Cost of attendance is free but registration is required as places are limited. Contact the centre at to register. All attendees must bring their own matts to the sessions.
Rivervalley Community Centre Magic Show

Brand new never before seen Magic show this coming Sunday the 17th of September in the Rivervalley Community Centre!
Doors open at 2.30pm with the show starting at 3.00pm, pricing details in the poster above.
Fun and mystery for the entire family! This and many more community entertainment events being planned at the centre, for further information contact 087 1161717.
The Cottage Community Centre Graffiti workshop

Recently Lusk Community Council, Foróige Coastal North and Lusk Youth Club partnered on the annual Fingal ALAG (Litter & Graffiti project) with the local talented youth in the car park area of The Cottage Community Centre. The ideas and results were stunning. Congratulations to all involved!
Board Health Check – Carmichael
Good governance involves making sure that your board is as effective as possible in providing oversight for the organisation. It is worth taking time out periodically to review/assess how you are doing and identify improvements. This can be done in different ways. Here are two templates based on the Charities Governance Code.
The first is a board health check, which can be a basis for collective discussion. The second is for each board member to assess their own performance. This can help individual board members to stand back, assess their own effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
See attached file above for further details.