What would make Rural Dublin a better place to live and to work?
The LEADER Rural Development Programme aims to support the development of Rural areas through investment in economic, social, and environmental initiatives.
The LEADER programme uses a community led approach, empowering local rural communities to be involved in finding innovative solutions to address local needs.
Dublin Rural LEADER are now preparing the Local Development Strategy for Rural Dublin 2023-2027.
Would like to hear the voices of local communities, organisations, businesses and individuals about the challenges and possibilities in your area.
How to Get Involved:
- Public Consultation Events:
Can participate at one of the events detailed below. Please click on the links to Register.
- Rural Fingal: Wednesday 3rd May (7 – 9 pm) – Bracken Court Hotel, Balbriggan. REGISTER HERE.
- Rural Fingal: Thursday 4th May (7 – 9 pm) – Kettles Hotel, Swords. REGISTER HERE.
- Rural South Dublin: Monday 8th May (7-9 pm) – Rathcoole Community Centre. REGISTER HERE.
- Rural Dún Laoghaire Rathdown: Thursday 11th May (7 – 9 pm) – Dublin Mountain Community Centre, Glencullen. REGISTER HERE.
- Online Survey:
If you can’t make it to the events, can participate by filling out the ONLINE SURVEY HERE.
Survey open until 23rd May.
- Youth Survey:
Would particularly want to hear from young people across Rural Dublin. Please fill in the YOUTH SURVEY HERE.
Please help the LEADER Programme to reach rural youth by sharing this survey with young people in your network.
Survey open until 23rd May.
- Spread the Word:
Would like to hear the views and ideas of as many as possible, to create a Local Development Strategy that is reflective of the broad needs and aspirations of Rural Dublin Communities, Organisations and Businesses’.
Please help the LEADER Programme to spread the word by sharing this widely in your network.
Fingal Heritage Plan Consultation

To access the online survey scan the above QR code in the poster to submit your views on priorities/actions on the new Heritage Plan for Fingal. One date left on the information session Saturday the 6th of May in Newbridge House Demesne from 12.00 – 2.00pm, all welcome to attend.
Baldoyle Bay Biosphere Festival 20th of May

Baldoyle Community Hall are hosting a ‘Biosphere festival’ free event for all ages on the 20th of May from 10.00am – 2.00pm. Event will include speakers from their own area of expertise with the goal of teaching how to protect Baldoyle Bay which is a site of international importance with EU protection and UNESCO status. Many activities will be taking place also from a petting farm to paddle boarding, with food vans being on site as well. The festival is to celebrate the bay and inform how to protect it for future generations. All information/ structure of the day can be found in the above poster.
Skerries Bowling Club open weekend

Skerries Bowling Club are having an open weekend on the 6th and 7th of May. Will be free entry on the two days over the weekend with bowls equipment provided- wearing of flat shoes is advised. Contact www.skerriesbowling.com to find out more information on the club.
Flemington CC classes

Flemington Community Centre ran a Menopause yoga workshop with FCC Community and Sport Department and Claire Daly on the 3rd of April which was a huge success with a second session on the way. The session was filled with new community members that attended the International Women’s day event. The Centre is currently running a Sensory toddler group that started Wednesday April 26th, the Centre’s first ever sensory friendly session for Children, aged between 18 – 36 months. Contact for more details.
Iarnród Éireann 2023 Apprentice Programme

Iarnród Éireann is a proud dynamic leader in the transport network – their depots are state of the art and their fleet is expanding with growing passenger numbers. Have also have lots of exciting projects to improve and expand rail infrastructure in Ireland providing more frequent, reliable, and safe journeys for our valued customers. Have launched their 2023 Apprenticeship Campaign and welcome applications, details on this can be found on their website here.