Relevant News
Introduction to Local Government workshop

As part of Fingal Inclusion Week, Fingal Community Development Office are holding an online Introduction to Local Government training workshop.
This workshop is aimed at people with disabilities or those who support people with disabilities across Fingal.
Over the course of this free two hour online session you can expect to:
Learn more about Local Government and Local Elections
Explore how your vote can lead to change in your own lives
How to register to vote and how to check the register to see if you are already registered to vote
Have an opportunity to discuss what key issues impact your lives in Fingal
Registration link can be found below-
I would appreciate if you could share this information (poster attached) with your extended network of community and voluntary groups, in particular groups working in this area.
Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living Fingal Inclusion Week 2023 events

Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living, with support from Fingal’s Community Development Office are hosting two events during Fingal Inclusion week 2023.
> A table quiz and raffle in St. Peregrines GAA club on the 16th of November from 8.00pm, with a fee of €20 per table on the night. All welcome to attend.
> An open day on the 15th of November from 11.00 am to 4.00pm in Parksidehouse, Main street, Mulhuddart. Invited to come along and learn of the services BCIL provide.
For more information phone 01 827 0609 or email

Fingal HomeFit chair exercise and pilates programmes

💪 Join our FREE 6-Week Fingal HomeFit Chair Exercise and Pilates Programmes! 💪
Are you ready to boost your fitness from the comfort of your own home? Our online exercise programmes are here to help you get stronger, more flexible, and feel great! 🌟
🔵 What’s included:
✨ Fun and engaging chair exercises
✨ Low-impact Pilates for core strength and flexibility
✨ Professional guidance from certified instructors
✨ Live and recorded sessions for your convenience
👉 Ready to transform your health and well-being? Don’t wait! Reserve your spot today.
Register here:
Chair Exercise –
Pilates –
📣 Share this with your friends and family – let’s get Fingal fit together! 💃🕺
Charity Trustee week 2023

Charity Trustees’ Week takes place next week with a programme of free events, including two webinars hosted by the Charities Regulator:
An overview of Ireland’s smaller charities – 10am, Monday the 13th of November
Smaller charities (that is those with an annual income of less than €100,000) make up almost half of Ireland’s registered charities (excluding schools). In this webinar, Helen Martin, Chief Executive and Mandy Osborne, Research Manager, Charities Regulator will provide a briefing on the highlights of a new report that is being published next week to help increase understanding of smaller charities and the important role played by this large and diverse section of the charity sector.
Good governance in practice – 7pm, Tuesday, 14th of November
Helen Martin, Chief Executive and Thomas Mulholland, Director of Compliance and Enforcement, Charities Regulator will be joined by charity trustees in this webinar co-hosted with Volunteer Ireland which will provide insights, learnings and practical guidance on good governance for charities.
You’ll find full details of all events and booking information on the Charity Trustees’ Week webpage.
Everybody welcome to attend.
Fingal Inclusion week 2023

Fingal Inclusion Week 2023 is an initiative led by Fingal County Council, Fingal County Council Integration Office. 2023 is the fifth year of Fingal Inclusion Week. Around 70 events will take place across the County of Fingal from Monday the 13th of November to Sunday the 19th of November. All Fingal Inclusion Week events are free to attend and open to everyone.
Fingal Inclusion Week aims to:
Highlight the positive work that communities, agencies and other organisations are involved in to reduce social exclusion and poverty in Fingal.
Raise awareness of the barriers experienced by citizens of Fingal that lead to social exclusion.
Promote an understanding of inclusion in Fingal and celebrate diversity across the county.
A link to the calendar with the list of the events during the week can be found here

Active Disability Ireland training hosted by Fingal’s Sports Office.

Fingal Sports Office will be hosting Active Disability Ireland’s Autism in Sport Course on November 15th from 6.30pm – 9.00pm online.
This workshop will help participants to recognise and understand key areas of difference as well as looking at practical strategies which will help to include people with autism in sport sessions. The cost of the course is €20 per person.
To register for this session please email

Fingal Community Facilities Fingal Inclusion week events 2023

A few of the events happening in the Community Centre’s during Fingal Inclusion Week 2023, with support from Fingal’s Community Development Office –
> Parslickstown House are hosting a mindfulness workshop on Tuesday the 14th of November from 12.00 midday, to sign up call the centre on 01 815 1779
> Donabate Portrane CC are having a Coffee morning and information session, which is Dementia friendly, on Wednesday the 15th of November from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Attendees on the day include The Alzhelmar’s Society of Ireland and Citizens Information. Will be music provided by Men’s shed ‘ Jerry and the Plonkers’ with refreshments served to accompany.
> A Mindfulness and Meditation workshop hosted by Corduff Resource Centre on Monday the 13th of November from 2.00 to 3.30pm. Topics for the session include Mindfulness tools and life application, guided meditation and take away notes from graduate teacher Emma. Is a free session but must book at ticket to attend. All details in poster above.
> ‘Mulhuddart Winter Festival’ to take place in Mulhuddart Community Centre on Friday the 17th of November from 3.00 to 6.00pm. With many exhibitors attending the event is sure to be a great day. For more information on the event contact the centre on 01 8215120.

Huntstown Community Centre ‘New to Me’ and clothing collection for the Women’s refuge.

Huntstown Community Centre is part of Fingal Co Co Keen to be Green so in keeping with this are having some Christmas Recycled events
Huntstown Community Centre will be accepting clean Christmas Jumpers and Christmas T Shirts Adults and Children’s from now until December 18th and will then have all collected items available for people to take. Donations will be gratefully accepted.

Huntstown Community Centre will be selling Recycled Christmas Cards lovingly made by Avista – Stepping Stores Group here in the Centre – all monies gathered will be donated to Little Seeds – Little Seeds Arch Club is a Social Club for Children and Teens with Autism in Dublin 15 Suggested Donation €2 per card or 3 cards for €5.

Clothing Donations
Will also be holding a collection of NEW items which will be donated to the Women’s Refuge
Many women and children get their first reprieve from a life filled with fear and pain; where they get their uninterrupted night’s sleep in days, months, or even years; and where they can take their first steps in their journey towards healing from their trauma and rebuilding their lives.
Because of the circumstances of most women when they leave an abusive home – no time to pack, plan or prepare – even necessities have to be left behind so we are doing a collection
The following are the Items – which must be NEW
New pyjamas in a range of sizes for women and children.
Slipper Socks/Regular socks
Hand & Bath Towels
Shower Gel
Face Cloth/Body Puff
Hair Brush/Comb
Deodorant Roll On only
Dental hygiene products
Items may be left at Reception – Any time
Castaheany Community Centre winter coats donations and Children’s birthday party packages

Castaheany Community Centre are looking for people to donate coats, hats, gloves and any other warm wear to be distributed locally and to ‘friends helping friends’ soup run in Dublin City Centre. Drop off location for items you would like to give is the centre, address details given in poster above. Anything given will be much appreciated and put to good use. For more information contact the Center on 01 811 8670.
Birthday Party Packages

If you have a children’s birthday party coming up Castaheany Community Centre have great packages with details above. For more information, or to book a date, email the Centre at .
Baldoyle Community Hall event pictures, Computer classes and Christmas event
Baldoyle Community Hall did have a busy week. As well as their normal groups and classes they had 3 events, 2 of them ‘firsts’.
Tuesday the 24th of October – First ever ‘Elephant in the Room’, a mental health initiative, in a Community centre – unveiled by the Mayor of Fingal Cllr. Adrian Henchy, Brent Pope and Shane Carthy. Serenaded by The Forget me Not’s choir and Mo’s Montessori. With funding provided by Creative Ireland and Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office.

Friday the 27th of October – 59 pumpkins get prepared and carved by local families in the Centre’s Safer Halloween event, helped by TY students from St. Mary’s. Funding again provided by Fingal County Council’s Development Office.

Saturday the 28th of October – A Drag Show event, First time the MHT are ever in Republic of Ireland. The event was totally sold out. People travel from all over the Island to see them preform. All in attendance had a great night!

Great events held at the Centre and congratulations to all who helped made it happen.

Free Computer Classes and Christmas event

Baldoyle Community Hall are hosting beginner computer classes for anyone who would like to start improving their skills in this department. Will take place from the 17th of January, weekly for 10 weeks, from 10.00am to 12.00pm, at a cost of €50 with course content given in the poster above.
If you are interested in this course contact the Centre on 01 839 5338 or email , alternatively scan the QR in the poster.
On Sunday the 3rd of December to celebrate Christmas, Baldoyle Community Hall are hosting a Free Variety show from 3.00 to 5.00pm. Will be face painting, hot chocolate and mulled wine to name a few of the items on the day.
For more information on the event contact the Centre on 01 839 5338 or email , alternatively scan the QR in the poster.
Foroige Coastal North Dublin UBU project

Foroiges’ Coastal North Dublin UBU project provides out of school supports for young people aged 10- 24 years old. Thye offer targeted, quality, flexible and sustainable youth services within the local communities of Skerries, Rush and Lusk. They aim to allow young people to achieve their full potential by strengthening their personal and social development. Their UBU project provides different types of services including;
- Small group activities, with two to eight people
- Large group activities, with nine or more people (including youth cafe’s)
- Outreach
- Trips away
- Large group events, like festivals
- Advocacy
- Direct support of young volunteers
- One to one services
The aim of these activities is to give you a place to build on your own individual strengths. If you think you have a young person who could benefit from the project, please contact Nicole O’Keeffe, Senior Youth Officer on 086 145 5452.
Lusk ICA Christmas market 2023

Get ready for Santa!
Please see above poster for the Lusk ICA Christmas market taking place on the 3rd of December, with all welcome to attend.