A number of free 5 week Sustainable Gardening Course will be held throughout Fingal this May and June, covering everything you need to improve your area for biodiversity and grow a chemically free garden. These courses are of particular interest to Tidy Towns groups, Allotment Holders, Green Schools Coordinators and those wishing to really reduce their impact on the planet.
Some topics covered include: reducing your waste, creating wildflower areas, growing vegetables, pollinator planting and much more. The course is interactive, and you will also get the chance to make your own biodegradable pots and take cuttings.

To book your free place, or get more details on these FCC sponsored courses, click the relevant Centre:
Parslickstown House: 10am Wednesday – 04/05, 11/05, 18/05, 25/05 and 01/06
Mountview Fortlawn: 10am Thursday – 19/05, 26/05, 09/06, 16/06 and 23/06 (note: none 02/06)
Baldoyle Community Hall: 4.30pm Saturday – 21/05, 28/05, 04/06, 11/06 and 18/06
Flemington CC: 12pm Saturday – 21/05, 28/05, 9/06, 16/06 and 23/06.
Rush CC (two week course): 10am-12.30pm Monday – 23/05 and 30/05
Swords Applewood CC: 10am Saturday – 21/05, 28/05, 04/06, 11/06 and 18/06
*You must be available for all 5 sessions to sign up.
Bealtaine – Creative Online Workshops

Ballads & Beyond
This Bealtaine, singer-songwriter Ger Wolfe hosts a series of three online workshops throughout May, exploring the world of popular ballads and beyond. This online singing session invites you to come along and sing your heart out, while at the same time learning the background to some favourites from the deep well of song.
For full event details and to book Ballads & Beyond, click here.
Claire Halpin plays host to three mixed media workshops, inviting you to explore image, picture, collage, painting and composition. Experiment using found printed materials in different ways – transforming, reversing, cutting, repeating, layering and drawing and painting to create your own artworks.
Full event details and booking here, or check out bealtaine.ie.