Relevant News
Fingal County Council’s Integration Team in association with SHE (SEE Her Elected) Introduction to Local Politics free workshop and Understanding Local Government free online course- reminder

Fingal County Council’s Integration team in collaboration with SHE (See Her Elected) are hosting 2 information sessions, details given below.
A free workshop on Introduction to Politics in Ireland on Monday, 16th October in Cairde, Balbriggan from 10.00am -1.00pm.
A free online course on Understanding Local Government in Fingal on Monday, 16th & 23rd October, 7.00-8.30 pm via Zoom.
To register for either of the above sessions, please email
Community Centre’s Christmas events, Community Activities funding application deadline – an information message from Fingal County Council’s Community Development office.
If your centre is considering hosting a Christmas event in your centre and your intend applying for Fingal County Council Community Activities Funding, please be advised that applications received on the following dates will be processed within a sufficient timeline to meet the 13th November full Council meeting. Applications submitted after this date can not be processed and approved for funding until the 11th December thus any expenditures on your Christmas event prior to this date (11th December) will not be accepted.
Centre Area Last date to Submit your funding Application
Balbriggan/ Rush/ Lusk/Swords – 27th October
Blanchardstown/ Mulhuddart/ Castleknock – 20th October
Howth/Malahide – 18th October
To submit you application click here . Please remember any project expenditure above €100 will require a quotation.
For further information, contact your local Community Officer.

Community Gardens for Wellbeing worshop

Community Gardens for Wellbeing
Public Event, 16th November, 2pm
in the GLAS @ TU Dublin Community Garden
(next to the LINC building in the TU Dublin Blanchardstown campus)
What is The Good Life? What does Success look like? Am I in charge of my own health? Is stress affecting me and my community?
These are some of the questions that will be considered in this open air workshop, in the new Community Garden in the campus of TU Dublin.
Will be looking at how people’s health and wellbeing is being – and will be – impacted by the climate crisis, and how community gardens can be spaces to respond meaningfully and locally to these challenges. A recent study by TU Dublin researchers has shown that community gardens are crucial parts of local communities, and can have many positive benefits for people’s physical and mental wellbeing.
Join in for an afternoon of discovery and discussion. Register for the event in the link below.
BCIL event to mark International day for the eradication of poverty

Please find attached the information for Blanchardstown Centre for Independent Living’s upcoming event to mark International day for the eradication of poverty. On the day there will be speakers from local agencies who offer supports to people who may be struggling financially with the rising cost of living.
BCIL hope you will be able to attend and please share with as many people as you can about the event to raise awareness.
Draft Fingal Climate Action Plan, Youth Climate Action Survey

It is very important that young people have an input into the Draft Climate Action process – the consultation is open until Friday the 3rd of November.
Please see attached poster above for printing and circulation(this will be attached to the email) – this is specifically aimed at the youth.
Please circulate to youth groups and display in youth meeting areas.
Thank you,
Fingal County Council’s Environmental Office.
‘Halloween Costume Swap’- Applewood and Holywell Community Centre’s

This year Applewood and Holywell have a couple of events for Halloween in their Community Centre’s. One of which is ‘Halloween Costume Swap Shop’. This will give local children the opportunity to recycle their old costumes that are hiding in the wardrobe that no longer fits, and get a new one.
The Centre’s are also taking donations of costumes that people can just donate to the shop.
They will accept donations in both Centre’s from Monday the 16th and Tuesday the 17th of October, then people can come back on Thursday the 18th of October.
This will only work if we all make it work!!
So please help spread the word and lets make this a success!!!
For more information on this initiative email .
Donabate Portrane Community Centre Community Choir

Donabate Portrane Community Centre is starting a FREE Community Choir every Wednesday at 6:30pm commencing on the 18th of October, in the Centre. The classes are free for 6 weeks and will be funded by Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office to help the Centre set up and establish the choir.
A conductor will teach the class for 1 hour and then refreshments will be provided after class. Everyone from the community, over 18 years old is welcome, Ladies, Gents and all nationalities.
For more information, please contact the Centre’s reception on 01 8434546.
Halloween Party – Parslickstown House

Parslickstown House are hosting a Halloween Party on the 27th of October from 6.00pm.
On the day will be a pumpkin hunt, fancy dress and disco games!
To register your interest contact the Centre on 01 815 1779
Annual Community Spirit Awards 2023 – Mountview Community Campus
The Community Spirit Awards helps to support the development of new projects, grow services and help raise community spirit in the local community. These awards recognise and celebrate communities and councils working together. They provide a great opportunity to highlight the work done within our communities, to award our unsung heroes and recognise the contribution they have made to our community. The Community Spirit Award also recognises an individual who has made a significant contribution to their local school.
The team in Mountview Community Centre worked closely with Foroige to ensure the evening went smoothly and a good time had by all – pictures of the event that took place on the 6th of October, with approximately 200 in attendance, can be seen below.