Community Climate Action Programme Fingal grant scheme, Environmental Sustainability Awareness programme DDLETB, Ongar CC blood donation clinic, Corduff Resource centre Xmas event and Welcome room, Phoenix of Ballyboughal BC boxing show, Barnewall de Berneval book launch – Lusk Cultural Centre, Foroiges North Coastal Dublin THI project and Castleknock CC activities photos.

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Community Climate Action Programme Fingal grant scheme

The Community Climate Action Programme is a new grant scheme administered by the Local Authorities for community groups and not-for-profit organisations. Fingal has an allocation of €1.128m. The application window is just 12 weeks (closes end Feb 2024). The newly appointed Community Climate Action Officer Sinead Fox, is the point of contact for this grant.

‘Community Climate Action Fingal’ is launching Wednesday the 6th of December from 4 – 7 pm in County Hall, Swords. You are invited to come along and find out about grants for Tidy Towns, community groups, sports clubs and not-for-profit organisations. The Mayor and Chief Executive will be in attendance. This will be a networking and information evening about applications and grant funding. Refreshments will be provided. This is a great opportunity for local groups to apply for funds.

Visit Here for information.

Environmental Sustainability Awareness Free QQI level 4 programme provided by the DDLETB

The Dublin & Dún Laoghaire Education & Training Board are providing a free QQI level 4 programme starting in February 2024 on Environmental Sustainability Awareness. This programme will help you develop an awareness of the key sustainability issues that affect you as an individual, your home/business and society in general. All course topics are listed in the above poster.

Closing dates for applications is the 26th of January 2024. Places are limited places and will be given on a first come, first serve basis.

For further details contact 01 821 2829 or email .


Ongar Communty Centre blood donation clinic

Ongar Community centre are hosting a blood donation clinic on Tuesday the 28th of November from 5.00 to 8.00pm. With 1 in 4 people needing a blood donation in their lifetime, this could be the most important gift you give this Christmas.

Call 1800 731 137 to book an appointment and check your eligibility at

Corduff Resource Centre Welcome room and Christmas event.

Corduff Resource Centre’s Welcome room is open everyday. Pop in to relax and for a bit of time for yourself, have a cup of tea while reading a book or watching tv – no need to book just come along.

Opening hours are Monday / Tuesday / Friday 9am – 9pm, Wednesday 9am -1pm and 4pm – 9pm, Thursday 9am – 7pm, Saturday 2pm – 4pm and Sunday 10am – 2pm.

XMAS FAIR 2023!!

Corduff Resource Centre and Corduff Sports Centre are delighted to announce that the annual Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday the 2nd December in Corduff Sports Centre.

On the day, there will have crafts for the children to make, free hot drinks, craft stalls selling locally produced Xmas gifts and some music from the local choirs in the area.

Santa Claus has also told the centre he has the date marked in his busy diary and will be there on the day for the children to visit.

With the help of Fingal County Council Community Development office and Fingal Libraries, the Fair is completely FREE to all who come along.

There is a limit on the amount of tickets for visiting Santa so please book early using the QR code in the poster or call Corduff Sports Centre on 01 823 5000.

Phoenix of Ballyboughal BC boxing show – Kettles Hotel

Phoenix of Ballyboughal BC are hosting their annual club show on Saturday the 9th of December in Kettles Country House Hotel, come along for a great night a of boxing bouts and musical entertainment.

The show starts at 7pm and tickets are priced at €25 – phone Sharon on 086 881 6084 or email to purchase.

Barnewall de Berneval book launch – Lusk Community Cultural Centre

With part funding from Fingal Community Development Office, The Lusk Community Cultural Centre are hosting the launch of the book ‘Barnwell de Berneval’ from author Aidan Arnold on Friday the 1st of December @ 7.30pm.

Admission is free and everyone is welcome to attend,

Foroige North Costal Dublin THI project.

Foroige’s North Coastal Dublin THI project is a primary preventative programme and concentrates on the development of self esteem, communication and decision making skills and aims at delaying involvement in sexual activity by young people. The project covers Skerries, Rush and Lusk.

The project works with young males aged 12-18 years old. Interventions are delivered on a one to one or small group basis depending on need and demand. Interventions are experiential, resilience building programmes designed to promote positive coping capacities and self-care. 

Please contact Aonghus if you have a young person in mind on 086 780 0127

Castleknock Community Centre activities photos

Photos above from the classes Castleknock Community Centre provide free to over 55’s – Tai Chai, Zumba Gold and Chairobics.

For more information on these, or any other classes coming up, contact the centre on 01 820 0968 or email .

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