Fingal Inclusion Week – Introduction to Local Government workshop, Making your posters accessible, Pobal National Conference 2023, Fingal Climate Action plan 2024-2029 – Have your say!, FCC’s ‘Adopt a Patch’, Dublin 15 Domestic violence working groups Conference, Donabate Portrane Community Choir, Hartstown CC upcoming events, Luttrellstown CC Halloween workshop and Mulhuddart CC Scarecrow Competition pictures.

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Fingal Inclusion week 2023 – Introduction to Local Government workshop

As part of Fingal Inclusion Week, Fingal Community Development Office are holding an online Introduction to Local Government training workshop.

This workshop is aimed at people with disabilities or those who support people with disabilities across Fingal.

Over the course of this free two hour online session you can expect to:

  • Learn more about Local Government and Local Elections
  • Explore how your vote can lead to change in your own lives
  • How to register to vote and how to check the register to see if you are already registered to vote
  • Have an opportunity to discuss what key issues impact your lives in Fingal

Registration for this workshop is available here: Introduction to Local Government: Training Workshop | Fingal County Council Online Consultation Portal

I would appreciate if you could share this information (poster attached) with your extended network of community and voluntary groups, in particular groups working in this area.

Making your posters accessible

Inclusive communications ensure you are promoting your activities to everyone and that everyone can access the information you want to share. In the file above are some tips to help you achieve a more inclusive approach to communication and promotion – brought to you by Active Disability Ireland.

Pobal National Conference 2023 – Launch of the Pobal HP Deprivation index.

During 2023, Pobal is celebrating their 30th year and has been coordinating a series of events to mark the anniversary. The focus of these events is on Pobal, Government and communities working effectively together to create a cohesive and inclusive society. The final event will be a national conference in the PrintWorks, Dublin Castle on Thursday the 2nd of November 2023.

This conference will see the launch of the HP Deprivation Index. Pobal, in their role in working on behalf of Government to support communities, commission the index following each census wave. This provides a tool for the allocation of resources and the targeting of services that can be on offer to Government Departments and state agencies as a way of targeting schemes and services towards those most marginalised.

The Pobal HP Deprivation Index is Ireland’s primary social gradient tool, used by numerous Government Departments and state agencies for the identification of disadvantage, in order to target resources towards communities most in need. Minister for Social Protection and Rural & Community Development Heather Humphreys TD will officially launch the new Pobal HP Deprivation Index at the conference.

A limited number of tickets are available and early booking is recommended, which can be done here

#PobalMaps #SocialInclusion #Pobal30

Fingal Climate Action plan 2024 – 2029 – Have your say!

This is your opportunity to have your say for the Fingal County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029. You can view the draft plan online at Climate Change Action Plan | Fingal County Council and make submissions and observations until 5.00pm, November the 3rd.

Hard copies of the draft plan and the accompanying documents are available at all libraries throughout #Fingal.

Fingal County Council’s ‘Adopt a Patch’ scheme.

Is Littering a problem in your area?

Why not sign up for Fingal County Council’s “Adopt a Patch” scheme? 

Here’s how it works:

  1. You choose a public area to adopt and clean-up by collecting litter, and if you wish you can maintain flower beds 
  2. Then fill out the Adopt a Patch Registration form here: – Adopt a Patch Registration Form
  3. Submit it to Fingal County Council – email it to  or post it to Fingal County Council, Environment Department,  County Hall, Swords, Co. Dublin
  4. The Council will provide support in the form of hi-vis vests, litter pickers and bags and in some instances outdoor paint. You can collect this litter kit if you need it from one of the 10 Hub Community Centres listed below who maintain a stock of these resources. Please note this stock is subject to availability. With Covid in mind, we do not provide gloves, people can wear single-use gloves (for example latex) and dispose of them with the rubbish after the clean-up. 
  5. The Council will collect the bags of litter after your clean-up, unfortunately, we can’t collect green garden/ landscape waste. If you collect up to ten bags you can place them beside an existing Fingal County Council litter bin. Please ensure to leave all footpaths clear and accessible. If there are a lot of bags after a big clean up (more than ten), you can inform the Council using the email addresses below. 
  6. Please note Fingal County Council will not enter an estate not taken in charge to collect bags of litter.

This scheme works very successfully in Fingal with individuals, families and groups adopting stretches of roadway, lanes, parts of beaches, bottle banks and litter blackspots throughout Fingal. This is a very effective community participative approach with local action.

All litter collected is to be left for collection at existing Fingal County Council litter bins or please make arrangements with the Fingal Operations area to pick up the bags. Please leave bags in areas that are easily accessible and visible to Council staff and don’t leave bags in wide open green areas.

If there is a large clean-up organised, please ensure to contact Operations well in advance to let them know.

Bags can only be collected from public roads and estates taken in charge – i.e. not private housing estates. 

The email addresses are as follows:

Howth-Malahide – 

Balbriggan-Swords area: 

Castleknock-Mulhuddart area:   

Your local Tidy Towns groups have litter equipment available or you may wish to register for the adopt a patch online or at one of the Community Centre’s listed below.

For the adopt a patch there is litter picking kit available at these locations listed below:

  1. Mulhuddart Community Centre, Church Rd, Buzzardstown, Dublin 15, D15 R2VF, Phone: (01) 821 5120
  2. Mountview Youth and Community Centre, Lohunda Downs, Coolmine, Dublin 15, (01) 821 8665
  3. Ongar Community Centre  15 Ongar Distributor Road, Ongar Village, Dublin 15, D15 VR72  email    Phone: (01) 826 0366
  4. Donabate Portrane Community & Leisure Centre, 3 Portrane Rd, Ballalease North, Donabate, Co. Dublin, K36 FY26 Phone: (01) 843 4546
  5. Baldoyle Community Hall, Main St, Baldoyle, Dublin 13, Phone: (01) 8395338
  6. Flemington Community Centre, Hamlet Ln, Balbriggan, (01) 841 5070
  7. Our Balbriggan Main Office, Georges Square, Balbriggan, email: 
  8. Applewood Community Centre, Castleview Lawn / Bunbury Gate Road, Swords, Co. Dublin, Phone: 353 (01) 807 9582, Email:    
  9. Holywell Community Centre, Holywell Ave, Holywell, Swords, Co. Dublin, (01) 897 1010
  10. Rivervalley Community Centre, River Valley Rd, River Valley, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 T6T7, (01) 840 9018

The main Fingal County Council reception number is 01 890 5000, Monday-Friday.

Dublin 15 Domestic Violence Workshop Groups Conference.

A Chara,

You are cordially invited to the annual D15 Domestic Violence Working Groups conference which this year is themed around “Experiential Learning”. The conference has been organised and planned to be markedly different to any conference you may have already attended. The conference was inspired by the fact that 470 women, excluding children, were turned away from services in 2022 due to lack of resources.

Domestic Violence is an issue which we must all deal with in some way as part of our daily work, so understanding its impact on the person/family is crucial if we are to provide and develop adequate support to those who need it. As audience participation and observation will play a central part in the conference, speakers will be kept to a minimum and will be announced shortly.

So please put November 24th from 10:00am to 1:00pm in your diary and if possible print off and display the poster above.

In addition to the above, would be grateful if you could spread this event information on to your contact list.

To register for this conference please email


Donabate Portrane Community Centre Community Choir


Donabate Portrane Community Centre is starting a​ ​FREE Community Choir every Wednesday at 6:30pm commencing on the 18th of October, in the ​Centre. The classes are free for 6 weeks and will be funded by Fingal County Council’s Community Development Office to help the Centre set up and establish the choir.

A conductor will teach the class for 1 hour and then refreshments will be provided after class. Everyone from the community, over 18​ years old is welcome, Ladies, Gents and all nationalities.

For more information, please contact the Centre’s reception on 01 8434546.

Hartstown Community Centre Empowering You – Empowering Community and Safer Halloween event.

Hartstown Community Centre with support from FCC’s Community Office have the following events taking place at their centre:

Empowering You, Empowering Community Unlock the power of your Community! Join their fun and dynamic course to master Committee skills and Community Development. The course starts on Friday the 13th of October from 10.00am – 12.30pm, to run for 8 weeks. Register at the Centre or contact 01 820 4877 email

Free Kids Fancy Dress Disco! With support from Fingal Council’s Safer Halloween initiative, Hartstown Community Centre are hosting this Halloween event on Tuesday the 31st of October, from 12.00 – 1.30pm. This is suitable for children aged 10 and under, and must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.

To register/pick up your ticket for this please visit the Centre in person.

Luttrellstown Community Centre Halloween workshop

Luttrellstown Community Centre, with support from Fingal County Council’s Safer Halloween initiative, are hosting a free Halloween parent and child Arts Workshop on Friday the 27th of October, from 6.00 to 8.00pm.

With limited places early reservation is advised, contact the Centre on 01 8179896 or email to do so.

Mulhuddart Community Centre Scarecrow competition pictures.

How are your Scarecrows shaping up ?

Mulhuddart Community Centre’s creative installation of not one but three spooky scarecrows could take home the Prize – Good luck to everyone taking in the competition.

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