Please find some useful information on opening/closing times over the festive period.
For contact details or more information on all of our Network Community Facilities please visit out centres’ page here:
We would wish all our Community members in Fingal a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous 2022!
Baldoyle Community Hall
Closed until Tuesday 4th January
Blakestown Community Resource Centre
Closing on Wednesday December 22nd at 1.00pm
Re-opening on Tuesday January 4th from 9.00am – 8.00pm
Corduff Resource Centre
Closed until Tuesday 4th January.
The car park will be open for access to the bottle and clothes
bank on the following days:
Friday 24th 12pm-2pm
Monday 27th 12pm-2pm
Wednesday 29th 12pm-2pm
Friday 31st 12pm-2pm
Sunday 2nd 12pm-2pm
Corduff Sports Centre
Closing on Thursday 23rd December
Re-opening on the Tuesday 4th of January.
Donabate Portrane Community Centre
Thursday December 23rd 8am-6pm
Friday 24th – Tuesday 28th December Closed
Wednesday December 29th 8am -5pm
Thursday December 30th 8am -5pm
Friday December 31st Closed
Saturday January 1st Closed
Sunday January 2nd 10am -2pm
Monday January 3rd 10am –2pm
Tuesday January 4th Normal Hours
Luttrellstown Community Centre
Closed from Friday 24th December
Re-opening 8.30am Tuesday 4th January.
Mulhuddart Community Centre
Closed until Tuesday 4th January
(with the exception of essential Youth and Childcare services)
Ongar Community Centre
Closed from Thursday 23rd December
Re-opening on Wednesday 5th January
Phibblestown Community Centre
Closing at 6pm on Thursday 23rd December
Re-opening at 6.30am on Tuesday January 4th
Saint Macullins Community Centre, Lusk
Open for pre-booked Church groups on Sunday 26th
December and Sunday January 2nd
Closed all other days until Jan 10th
The Cottage Community Centre, Lusk
Closed from Thursday 23rd Dec
Re-opening on Wednesday January 5th, 9am – 1pm
Tyrrelstown Community Centre
Closed from Thursday 23rd December
Re-opening on Wednesday 5th January