Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility


About our centre

Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility is open to the public six days a week depending on demand. We aim to meet the needs of children, young people and community groups from Rush and the surrounding areas. Our plan is to expand our facility to meet the changing needs of our users. We want the centre to be a positive place for everyone to take part in:

  • arts and culture
  • leisure
  • community development, youth work
  • educational and recreational activities

For more information, feel free to or call or stop by for a coffee and we will give you a timetable and show you how to book-in for activities. We always welcome new people getting involved, so we can build a better community for all.

Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility - Music Session indoors

What you can find in our centre

Meeting RoomsThree meeting rooms for small (10 people) and larger (25 people) groups. Suitable for meetings, education and training, youth activities, arts and crafts, and other activites
Café9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday.
Outdoor spaceLarge outdoor space at the back
Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility - music session outdoors

History of the centre

The Rush Multipurpose Youth Facility CLG was founded in December 2013 as a Company Limited by Guarantee. It was set up to manage the facility and was dedicated to meeting the needs of adults, children and young people living in the community of Rush as well as other social needs in the local area.


  • Adult Education
  • Adult Fitness
  • Art & Craft
  • Children's Education
  • Community Events
  • Integration Programmes
  • Youth Club

How to get here

You can walk, cycle, drive (free parking) or take the bus.
Bus: 33 and 33a. Get off at the Whitestown road stop. It’s about a five minute walk.